Well as a team we are very proud of the game that we have produced. The programming and art have come together very well to make a professional looking, fun game. Through in class and out of class testing and comments we have changed a lot of things and added a lot of things to modify this game to be the best we can produce in the allotted time. This week is our last sprint so the focus now is POLISH.
On the art side we are trying to add refinement to the game without putting any work on the programmers. Since the cutoff has happened the changes only come in texturing and small programming situations that Damean and Kelly handle themselves.
For programming most of the mechanics are done, the variables and speeds set to player tested preferences, and now the issue is the jump. So far the jump has come a long way and looks really good but with the slam down system it now has - it has become unnecessary to use the sword. The problem can either be solved through:
1.creating a more diverse gameplay - which would only be an possible after finals
2.creating limitations on the power slam
3.creating mass amounts of enemies so that even with the new mechanic it still becomes very difficult.