Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Escape to the Rampart Concept

    This week we had an idea for a pretty cool game. We wanted to jump over our tendency to write violent games to see if we could create a really fun mechanic for  a game. This game is a puzzle solving side scroller. Our 'X' is "Experience when Lemmings meets Mario". After looking over some other proposals on the internet most had an 'X' that referenced what type of game it was and what it could be compared to so we thought it might be effective. The point of this game is get through levels to escape from the enemy castle. It is called "Escape to the Rampart" because you must reach the rampart to jump off and escape. For each level you are giving a set of objects (trampoline - ladder - catapult - mattress - fan). You place the objects on the screen by dragging them from the bottom tool bar to where you want before they are set you can rotate the object as you want as well. Once all the items are placed you will start the simulation, but, with control of the character. The control over the character is limited to simple jump controls and possible timing control of catapult release. As a player you must figure out how to place these object to reach the end of the level. The game will offer multiple levels, funny gameplay (with mouth SFX and music), simple controls, quick gameplay and intimate control over gameplay. We think this game has a lot to offer and could really be a successful game.

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