Monday, September 26, 2011

All Caught Up

Well this last week we caught up to the rest of the class. It was a little hard for us to decide which game to produce in the end, but in the end for the sake of time we took on our initial love "Fat Knight". The game would provide easy programming (easy as far as programming goes) and some really fun art & animation to produce for the game. The simplicity of the game also allows us to go for many of the items on our wish list for the game as well as have a really well polished product in the end. As a group we decided that meeting in class twice a week wasn't enough to make sure we were all on the same page. As a result, this week we will begin planning out of class separate and joined meeting with artist and programmers to ensure that we are working on the same game and not our own visions of it. Right now we have a small first playable which is just a sphere that can increase and decrease speed with some collision walls, and some ideas for art which I will add to this post. I will update you more on what is to come at the end of the week.

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